Dr. Ujwala Sav

Head of Department
MSc. (Information Technology)
Vidwan-ID: 324798


Ph.D in Computer Science, 2023
M.Phil.(IT), YCMO University 2009
M.Sc.(CS), SGB Amaravati University 2000
MBA(Marketing), YCMO University 1998
B.Sc.(CS), SGB Amaravati University 1993


Teaching Experience: 22 Years
Research/Industrial Experience: 2 Years
Administrative & Managerial Experience: 17 Years
Technical Papers Published: 26
Books Authored: 02
Patents Registered: 01

I have always admired and observed my father from childhood, he is a hard-working, sincere, kind, and honest person. He was a class one government official who worked with high principles and values and was never attracted to any unethical ways of work. He is always a source of inspiration for me.

My respect and love for my parents is immense and I believed that our parents and teachers are the creators of our life. Sometimes, our parents and teachers are strict with us but that is for our own good. They are there with us in our success, achievement, and even failures.

I have a passion for drawing, painting, and rangoli. During my schooling, I cleared both the exams of drawing, i.e., elementary and intermediate level.

I am also fond of pets. I had a cat, a dog, and a cow at my mother’s house. I used to talk to them and I understood that Pets too understand us and the language of love. I would still love to have a pet but it’s impractical to keep pets at home in Mumbai.

Meditation and yoga are part of my life. I have done Vipashyana during my college days and It still helps me to control my emotions and to manage stress.

I have done my M.Sc. project in the Commissioner office, Amaravati, for planning policy using Lotus Smart Suite under the National Informatics Center of India. I learned a lot during project development. It boosted my confidence in the area of software applications.
I guided undergraduate and postgraduate projects and also mentored students to convert their projects into research papers and published them in journals.
In 2007, I took the initiative to start the Computer Society of India student branch in VSIT. It has since been helping students to get exposure to the industry.

I worked from the inception of our college committees as a committee mentor and committee convenor for WDC, R&D, IIC, FBC, Exam, Vigour, SWC, I was a member of Vector, LMC, NAAC committee, and IQAC. I was the convenor of the first National Conference in VSIT.

Since 2000, I am teaching the streams of M.C.M., MMS, MCA, and M.Sc. post-graduate computer and information technology subjects like Ethical Hacking, Computer Forensic, Information Security, Mobile Computing, ADBMS, Data warehousing, Data mining, eCommerce, mCommerce, and Software Testing.

I am also teaching undergraduate B.Sc.(CS) and B.Sc. IT subjects like DBMS, Multimedia, ASQL, ERP, CRM, TSCM, Software testing, PGIS, Dara Warehousing, Web programming, IITA, C, C++, Mobile Programming, Software Engineering, Computer Network, Linux Administration, System programming, and Object-oriented programming.

I am currently working as an Assistant Professor and Examination Head. I have also worked as a B.Sc.( IT) coordinator, chief controller, senior supervisor, unfair means committee member.

In 14 years of work experience at Vidyalankar, I got an opportunity to work in all the areas of academia. I would like to contribute my energies to achieve the mission and vision of Vidyalankar 4.0 in the future as well.