Second Year Syllabus

Third Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
Mandatory Majors
601 Advanced AI 4
602 Advanced AI Practical 2
603 Machine Learning 4
604 Machine Learning Practical 2
605 Storage a a Service 4
Elective Major (Select any 1)
606a Natural Language Processing Practical 4
606b Security Operations Center Practical
606c Virtualization on VMWare Platform Practical
Click here to download the Syllabus for Semester III

Fourth Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
Mandatory Majors
611 Blockchain 4
612 Blockchain Practical 2
613 Deep Learning 4
614 Deep Learning Practical 2
Elective Major (Select any 1)
615a Robotic Process Automation Practical 4
615b Cyber Forensics Practical
615c Advanced IoT Practical
Click here to download the Syllabus for Semester IV