Criteria 1    |    Criteria 2    |    Criteria 3    |    Criteria 4    |    Criteria 5    |    Criteria 6    |    Criteria 7

Criteria 7: Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.2 Best Practices

7.3 Intitutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity and Institutional initiatives to celebrate / organize national and international commemorative days, events and festivals during the last five years (Within 500 words)

Over the past five years, our institution has made significant progress in promoting gender equity and awareness throughout various aspects of campus life, including curricular and co-curricular activities and the provision of facilities for women on campus.

  1. Integration of Gender-Sensitive Content in Curricula:
  2. The institution has successfully incorporated gender-sensitive content across a wide range of academic disciplines. This deliberate effort ensures that students are exposed to diverse perspectives on gender-related issues, thereby fostering awareness and understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with gender.

  3. Advancement of Gender-Balanced Representation:
  4. The promotion of gender equity in leadership and decision-making roles has been a fundamental focus of our institution's endeavour’s. Over the course of the past five years, conscious steps have been taken to enhance gender-balanced representation in administrative positions, committees, and student organizations. By creating equal opportunities for both men and women to assume leadership positions, we strive to challenge traditional gender norms and cultivate an inclusive institutional culture where every voice is valued and heard.

  5. Safety and Security Measures for Women:
  6. The campus has implemented comprehensive safety and security measures to ensure a secure environment specifically for women. These measures include well-illuminated pathways, designated safe zones, and round-the-clock security personnel.

  7. Women's Facilities:
  8. Throughout the campus, the institution has provided separate and well-maintained restroom facilities and sanitary machines.

  9. Workshops and Skill Development Programs for Women's Empowerment:
  10. A series of specialized workshops and skill development programs have been organized to empower female students. These initiatives enable them to cultivate leadership skills, enhance self-confidence, and develop professional competencies. Furthermore, a variety of activities addressing topics pertaining to gender and sexuality, such as awareness sessions on LGBTIQA+ issues, women's health, women entrepreneurship, and women in media, are regularly arranged to promote women's empowerment.

  11. Guest Speakers:
  12. The institution has actively invited and amplified the voices of members from the LGBTIQA+ community, including renowned individuals such as Harish Iyer, a gender-fluid equal rights activist, and Sushant Divgikar, an Indian model, actor, singer, columnist, psychologist, motivational speaker, drag queen, pageant director, and video jockey, among others.

  13. Gender-Inclusive Co-Curricular Activities:
  14. Co-Curricular activities play a significant role in shaping students' perspectives and values. To ensure inclusivity and respect for gender diversity in these activities, the institution has organized workshops, seminars, and campaigns addressing gender-related concerns such as gender equality, consent, and women's empowerment. These initiatives aim to raise awareness among students about the challenges faced by individuals of different genders and promote empathy and respect towards one another. Furthermore, the institution has actively encouraged the participation of all genders in sports, arts, and cultural events to challenge traditional gender roles and foster a more inclusive campus community.

Overall, the institution's dedication to promoting gender equity and inclusivity has resulted in a more welcoming and supportive campus environment, where individuals can thrive irrespective of their gender identity. The objective is to build upon these efforts and establish a campus community that embraces diversity and advocates for gender equality in all aspects of campus life.

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7.1.2 The Institution has facilities and initiatives for
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7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution.
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7.1.4 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens (Within 500 words)

VSIT strives to maintain an inclusive atmosphere of tolerance and harmony by respecting and promoting cultural, regional, linguistic, community, socioeconomic, and other characteristics of Indian society.

  1. Equal Opportunity and Access:
  2. VSIT is committed to providing equal opportunity and access to education for all students regardless of their socioeconomic background. The institution adheres to government guidelines regarding scholarships and financial aid programs for needy students to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder their educational endeavors. VSIT has committees like Women Empowerment Cell, SC/ST and OBC Cell which focus on promoting diversity and inclusion.

  3. Cultural and Regional Inclusion:
  4. VSIT celebrates various cultural events representing the rich diversity of Indian heritage such as Traditions Day, Festival of Colors, Navratri Celebration, Hindustan ka Safar - Unity in Diversity, Marathi Bhasha Sanwardhan Pandhrawada etc. These events provide opportunities for students and staff to come together, celebrate their cultural roots, and learn about the traditions and customs of others.

  5. Inclusive Curriculum and Course Content:
  6. VSIT, affiliated with the College of Mumbai, offers the following required courses: Basic Courses, Organizational Behavior, Media, Gender and Culture, Media Law and Ethics, Business Law, Corporate and Securities Law, Labor Law, etc. Through the course modules, values such as harmony, equality, justice, and awareness of different races, genders, languages, religions, and economic communities are taught.

  7. Multilingual Environment:
  8. The institution recognizes the importance of linguistic diversity and encourages the use of multiple languages on campus. Students are free to communicate in their preferred language and English courses are offered to promote language proficiency among students and staff.

  9. Initiatives to promote diversity among faculty and staff:
  10. VSIT actively seeks to diversify its faculty and staff to create a more inclusive learning and working environment. Faculty ensure that classroom conversations have the desired level of respect for all students. VSIT conducts awareness workshops and training for both students and staff to raise awareness of various social issues.

  11. Counseling and Support Services:
  12. VSIT has a robust anti-discrimination and harassment policy that ensures that any form of discrimination or bias is dealt with promptly and fairly through committees such as the Anti-Ragging Cell, Mahila Takrar Nivaran Samiti, and the Grievance Cell. VSIT also has feedback mechanisms such as surveys or suggestion boxes for improvement.

  13. Inclusive Campus Infrastructure:
  14. The campus is designed to be accessible to people with physical disabilities, which promotes inclusion and ensures that everyone can fully participate in campus activities.

  15. Community Engagement and Outreach:
  16. Institutions engage in the local community through various programs and service-learning initiatives organized by NSS and DLLE committees, such as blood drives, tree planting, road safety awareness through street plays, food distribution, various educational campaigns, etc.

  17. Civic Education Programs:
  18. VSIT also offers various civic education programs as part of its extracurricular activities, such as human rights, women’s rights, voter registration drives ID, Constitution Day celebrations, public education campaigns, etc. Through these programs, students are educated about the Constitution, the fundamental rights and responsibilities of citizens, the democratic system, and the role of government.

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Best Practices

7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual.

Best Practice 1: Community Involvement Programme

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Sr. No. Particulars Links
1 Community Involvement Programme Click here
2 Awards and Recognition Click here

Best Practice 2: Academic Administration Plan (AAP)

Academic Administration Plan
Supporting Documents

Institutional Distinctiveness

7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 1000 words

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